I Love how you all love this site as much as i do, and i wanna meet and greet you all, but right now the site's features have ran out of Firebase quota time for the next 24 hours... this will hopefully not be an issue in the future.

Don't worry though! You can still play our games and explore the site just fine, even if we have to be off air right now... but don't worry, we'll be back soon!

Time until reset:

Permission Denied!

It seems you're not allowed to perform this action on Firebase (permission-denied). Please make sure you're logged in or have the correct permissions.

Service Unavailable

Firebase or the network is currently unavailable. Please check your connection or try again later.

Unknown Error

An unexpected Firebase error occurred. Please try again or contact support if the issue persists.


Welcome to the official Funtastic's Learning School Website!
This website is where you can officially download our games, chat in our chatroom, or explore our content.

You can also click one of the characters in the bouncehouse below to learn more about them!

Churro Funtastic Johnny Thomas