Autopsy Report
Subject: Johnny N. Liam
Identification and Scene Overview
Description: The decedent is a Black person of color, tall with a heavy, corpulent build. He has coarse, basic hair, brown eyes, and a noticeable scar on his lip.
Scene: The body was discovered outside the facility of facto.ry corp in a desolate urban setting, suggesting the aftermath of a violent incident.
Clothing and Accessories: Johnny was wearing a dark green plaid button-down shirt, slacks, and green sunglasses. The sunglasses were shattered at the scene, with glass fragments later found embedded in his ocular tissues.
External Examination
General Condition: The body exhibits extensive signs of trauma, including multiple lacerations, abrasions, and contusions on the back, legs, and neck.
- Thermal Injuries: Extensive burns are present on the dorsal region. The burns range from second-degree to isolated patches of third-degree, indicating prolonged exposure to intense heat.
- Skeletal Injuries: The spine is fractured at multiple points, including a dislocated and broken neck. The skeletal damage suggests a high-impact force was involved.
- Ocular Injuries: Embedded glass fragments in the eyes, resulting from the shattered green sunglasses, complicate the trauma.
- Additional Findings: Boils and inflamed, scarred tissue across various regions hint at pre-existing vulnerabilities that were worsened by the traumatic events.
Internal Examination
- Cranial and Neurological: Severe trauma to the cervical spine is evident, with extensive contusions of the spinal cord. The broken neck led to an immediate loss of neurological function.
- Thoracic Examination: The heart remains largely intact; however, a minor pericardial hemorrhage is present. The lungs display localized alveolar hemorrhage consistent with blunt force trauma.
- Abdominal Findings: No major lacerations were observed in primary organs. Soft tissue contusions near the lumbar region suggest secondary impacts.
- Musculoskeletal Damage: Diffuse thermal injuries in muscle fibers correspond with external burns, illustrating a pattern of systematic tissue destruction.
- Toxicology: Analysis reveals a dangerously high blood alcohol concentration. The decedent was heavily intoxicated, likely impairing his ability to react or escape the violent encounter.
Conclusion and Cause of Death
The fatal injuries are attributed to a combination of catastrophic blunt force trauma and severe thermal damage. The multiple fractures in the neck and spine resulted in rapid cardiopulmonary collapse. Furthermore, the high level of intoxication significantly reduced Johnny N. Liam's capacity to avoid or respond to the incident.
Time of Death: Redacted